Saturday, May 23, 2020

If Malgr Que Talks Supposition, Use the Subjunctive

Malgrà © que  (even though, despite the fact that) is a conjunctive phrase (locution conjonctive) that requires the subjunctive when theres uncertainty or supposition, as in:Il le fait malgrà © quil pleuve.Hes doing it even though its raining. Je suis venu malgrà © que je n’aie pas vraiment le temps.I came even though I really don’t have time. The Heart of the Subjunctive This goes to the heart of the subjunctive  mood, which  is used to express actions or ideas that are subjective or otherwise uncertain, such as will/wanting, emotion, doubt, possibility, necessity and judgment. The subjunctive can seem overwhelming, but the thing to remember is: the subjunctive subjectivity or  unreality. Use this mood enough and it will become second nature...and quite expressive. The French subjunctive  is nearly always found in dependent clauses introduced by  que  or  qui, and the subjects of the dependent and main clauses are usually different. For example:      Je veux que tu le fasses.   I want you to do it.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Il faut que nous partions.    It is necessary that we leave. Dependent Clauses Take the Subjunctive When They: Contain verbs and expressions that express someones will, an  order, a need, a piece of advice or a desireContain verbs and expressions of emotion or feeling, such as fear, happiness, anger, regret, surprise, or any other sentimentsContain verbs and expressions of doubt, possibility, supposition  and opinionContain verbs and expressions, such as  croire que  (to believe that),  dire que  (to say that),  espà ©rer que  (to hope that),  Ãƒ ªtre certain que (to be certain that),  il paraà ®t que  (it appears that),  penser que  (to think that),  savoir que  (to know that),  trouver que  (to find/think that) and  vouloir dire que (to mean that), which only require the subjunctive when the clause is  negative or interrogatory. They  do  not  take the subjunctive when they are used in the affirmative, because they express facts that are considered certain—at least in the speakers mind.Contain French  conjunctive phrases  (locutions c onjonctives), groups of two or more words that have the same function as a conjunction and imply supposition.   Contain the  negative pronouns  ne ... personne  or  ne ... rien, or the  indefinite pronouns  quelquun  or  quelque chose. Follow main clauses containing  superlatives. Note that in such cases,  the subjunctive is optional, depending on how concrete the speaker feels about what is being said.   Why Malgr Que Takes the Subjunctive Malgrà © que  is one of the conjunctive phrases (locutions conjonctives)  described in number 5, many of which are listed below. These require the subjunctive because they imply uncertainty and subjectivity; it is best to try to memorize them, although you can also decide according to the meaning of the tense. Malgrà © que  belongs to a subset of this category called opposition conjunctions, such as bien que, sauf que, sans que and others. These Conjunctive Phrases Take the Subjunctive à   condition que   provided that à   moins que  Ã‚  unless à   supposer que  Ã‚  assuming that afin que  Ã‚  so that avant que  Ã‚  before bien que  Ã‚  although de crainte que  Ã‚  for fear that de faà §on que  Ã‚  so that, in order that, in such a way that de manià ¨re que  Ã‚  so that de peur que  Ã‚  for fear that de sorte que  Ã‚  so that en admettant que  Ã‚  assuming that en attendant que  Ã‚  while, until encore que  Ã‚  even though jusquà   ce que  Ã‚  until pour que  Ã‚  so that pourvu que  Ã‚  provided that quoique  Ã‚  even though quoi que  Ã‚  whatever, no matter what sans que  Ã‚  without Additional Resources The French SubjunctiveFrench ConjunctionsThe Subjunctivator!Quiz: Subjunctive or indicative?

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